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Carbon Monoxide Safety Training Videos

Our carbon monoxide safety training videos are designed to educate workers and the public about the risks of carbon monoxide exposure and how to prevent it.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning DVD

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is an odorless gas. CO is one of the most common chemical killers in industry and home. All industries include carbon monoxide among their potential hazards. The most common hazard of CO is poisoning. In 1970, the National Safety Council estimated that 1,600 people died from CO poisoning; 10,000 each year suffer from exposure the debilitating effects of CO. This program focuses on the danger of CO poisoning and the precautions to take in avoiding exposure.
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Construction Series - Controlling Carbon Monoxide Poisoning DVD

Controlling Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Carbon monoxide poisoning is a gas that can’t be smelled, tasted, or seen and virtually all industries count carbon monoxide among their potential hazards.
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CO: Response to Carbon Monoxide Incidents DVD

CO: Response to Carbon Monoxide DVD provides training to EMTs, firefighters, industrial fire teams, poison control center personnel, plant safety personnel and others who may be called upon to safely respond to an incident involving carbon monoxide, the most common type of poisoning responded to by EMS.
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Direct Reading Instruments DVD

This training video examines the primary air monitoring devices used at a hazardous materials incident, telling the purpose of each and showing how they work, how to interpret readings and how to avoid common problems.
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7 Minute Safety Trainer

7 Minute Safety Trainer

Now you can stop worrying and procrastinating about OSHA safety meetings. Here's the resource that's done all the hard preparation for you, 7 Minute Safety Trainer. It delivers complete 7-minute meetings - from outlines... to speakers notes... to reproducible handouts.
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Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 1990 Clean Air Act DVD

Most of us are familiar with large oil spills, hazardous waste, and materials, and certainly we understand the need for clean air. This is perhaps the EPA’s major problem to solve. Clean air is easy to talk about but difficult to control or make cleaner. Understanding the problem can go a long way toward educating people about air quality and why it’s so important.
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Testing and Monitoring For Hazardous Gases

Testing And Monitoring For Hazardous Gases - Confined spaces and other similar locations can be unsuspecting chambers of death, unless you know the hazards and are prepared to avoid risks. One of the important parts of avoiding risks is to know about hazardous air or the hazards contained in the air you’re going to be breathing in confined spaces.
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