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Biological Threats Training Videos


Biological Safety In The Laboratory - Video

Biological safety is critical to help ensure safe handling of biological material. This program addresses the procedures for proper use, storage, transfer, and disposal of biological materials as well as biological safety practices to minimize the risk of exposure to potentially infectious materials.

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Terrorism Prevention Video - Airport & Aviation (DVD)

Computers and the Internet have revolutionized the way we do business. Along with this technology we are introduced to cyber crime and privacy issues. Hacking into computers is a cyber crime.
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Chemical And Biological Threat - Emergency Preparedness DVD

This program covers the basic aspects of chemical and biological threats, what they are and what we can do to protect ourselves. This program examines the chemical and biological terrorism threat and how businesses and individuals can respond. Chris Troesh, Chemical Expert, is on camera in this program.
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Homeland Security For Businesses - Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical DVD

Homeland Security for Businesses - Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical is information about the changes since 9/11 in the way we travel and do business. The federal government has spent billions of dollars, businesses have suffered and we’ve make a lot of mistakes.
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Recognizing Contaminated Patients DVD

This DVD can stand alone to provide awareness training to staff about avoiding contamination during the initial care and treatment of victims, or as a part of the series to provide Operations Level training for those who may participate in mass casualty decontamination.
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Detecting Weapons of Mass Destruction DVD

Detecting Weapons of Mass Destruction DVD tackles the important subject of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and presents it in a way that all emergency responders can easily understand.
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WMD Response Package DVDs

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) represent the greatest security challenge facing local, state and federal emergency responders. Effective training to prevent and respond to acts of terrorism is the first line of defense in protecting communities and keeping civilians and responders safe.
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Response to Anthrax Threats

Response to Anthrax Threats DVD training video examines five common scenarios involving anthrax threats and illustrates proper response procedures for each.
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Terrorism: Biological Weapons and Terrorism: Chemical Weapons DVD

Terrorism: Biological Weapons DVD teaches emergency personnel recognition and response tactics from bio-terrorist attacks.
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Terrorism Training for EMS/Public Health Package DVDs

Terrorism Training for EMS/Public Health Package provides training to help prepare healthcare and public health personnel to respond to hazmat and WMD events.
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