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Hydrogen Sulfide Safety Training Videos

Our hydrogen sulfide safety training videos are used to educate employees on the hazards of hydrogen sulfide gas in the workplace, as well as best practices for safely working around it. Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable gas that is commonly found in industries such as oil and gas, wastewater treatment, and pulp and paper mills.

Hydrogen Sulfide Safety Video

Hydrogen Sulfide Training - Hydrogen sulfide is a by-product formed by decaying organic matter. Hydrogen Sulfide can be found in oil or gas operations, mining facilities, sewage, wastewater treatment plants, landfills, public utilities, and other places. 

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Hydrogen Sulfide DVD

Hydrogen Sulfide safety training video is one of the eleven DVDs in the HazChem Series of training videos. It is valuable training for emergency responders and industrial personnel who may encounter hydrogen sulfide in their work.
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Crude Oil Spill Response Package

Multiple incidents of explosive accidents by trains carrying crude have prompted safety alerts from the DOT. Communities need to be prepared. Crude Oil Spill Response Package offers comprehensive training for emergency personnel responding to these incidents.
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