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10 Ways to Reduce Employee Slips, Trips and Falls in the Workplace

General workplace accidents and injuries ranging from small bruises to severe traumas such as brain injuries, broken bones, sprains, and lacerations are most commonly caused by slips, trips, and falls. Slips, stumbles, and falls are the most common causes of workers' compensation claims, according to statistics.

There are strategies to proactively manage your office environment to assist lessen the risk of harm to your staff and customers by reducing the possible risks that lead to slips, trips, and falls.

Here are some strategies to avoid slipping, tripping, and falling at work:

1. Keep the walking surfaces clean and clutter-free.

You can quickly lower the risk of injury by keeping walkways clear. An open path lessens the chances of an employee tripping over anything unexpected and falling, which could result in a serious sliding hazard.

2. Handrails and Staircases

Stairs are a typical location for workplace falls, and extra caution is often required to avoid harm. Make sure your stairwells are clean, well-lit, and devoid of unsecured items. Consider the following questions:

Do you have handrails on your stairwells?

Is there reflective tape at the top and bottom of the stairs?

Have any unsecured rugs or carpets been removed from the stairwells or landings?

3. Control cords

Employees and clients are frequently hampered by power, internet, and phone cords. To keep wires hidden, run them behind walls or beneath rugs. To prevent stringing cables across hallways, place power outlets, internet connections, and phone jacks in easily accessible positions.

4. Your footwear

Are your staff wearing footwear that is appropriate for the work environment? When possible, traction-enhancing footwear should be necessary.

5. Illumination/Lighting

Proper lighting both inside and outside the workplace can assist in illuminating locations where employees or consumers may slip or fall. Steps or other hazards are frequently obscured by darkness or shadows. You can lessen the chances of someone slipping or falling by installing sufficient illumination (such as spotlights or lit steps).

6. Labeling

Signage that is clear and well-placed might assist draw attention to possible issue areas. A sign highlighting a step, gap, uneven terrain, or loose rocks will draw attention to the danger and raise awareness and alertness. Reflective tape can also be used to draw attention to problem areas.

Step stools

By allowing employees to reach heights securely, ladders and accessible step stools can help lessen the risk of a fall. There is less of a likelihood that an employee (or customer) will rely on unstable chairs, workstations, or tables if supportive solutions are available.

8. Examine the floor's condition both inside and out.

Check for cracks or holes in the building's flooring or the pavement outside. Repair any problem locations as soon as possible, and be sure to post warning signs in/on/around the places that need to be repaired.

9. On slick areas, non-skid throw rugs

In splash-prone locations (such as bathrooms), do you have tiled or hardwood floors? Non-skid throw rugs can assist prevent slips and falls. Rugs are a simple solution for slippery surfaces, but be sure to place non-skid cushioning underneath them to keep them from slipping out from under people.

10. Clean up spills right away.

If there is a spill, clean it up right away. Some contaminants, if allowed to penetrate the floor surface, can actually make the surface more slippery, even after cleaning. When a spill happens, erect warning signs around the area and begin the cleanup procedure right once.

Remember that falls may be avoided.

While carelessness or clumsiness are frequently blamed for slips, trips, and falls, the good news is that the majority of incidents are avoidable. To avoid problems, it's vital to inspect your workplace on a regular basis. Remember that paying attention to hazards ahead of time will help keep your employees and customers safe.

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