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Parenting Educational Videos

Parenting Educational Videos

Our parenting educational videos cover a wide range of topics including child development, behavior management, and parenting skills. With expert advice from professionals, these videos provide practical strategies and tips to help parents navigate the challenges of raising children. Whether you're a new parent or looking to improve your parenting skills, our videos are a valuable resource for anyone looking to raise happy and healthy children.
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Children and Grief SuperPack

In Professor Child’s Children and Grief series, children teach others about the grieving process by sharing their personal stories of losing a loved one. We hear about their grief and loss and how they are coping and healing.
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Talk it Out: Sex, Self-Respect and Social Media - Video

The program begins with an explanation of how new communication technologies have changed the way people in relationships communicate with each other, and how its revolutionized dating and romance.
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Teens 101 (Complete Series)

Teens 101 is a multi-media initiative towards reaching, guiding, empowering, and inspiring youth through the issues that can affect their mental health and well being. The series communicates from a youth's perspective topics such as: depression and anxiety, addiction, self harm, mental illness, bullying, body image, self worth, family dysfunction, racism, sexuality and LGBTQ.
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Children and Grief: Volume 2, Ways to Cope

In Professor Child’s Children and Grief series, chapters include What Has Helped, Advice, and Celebrate and Remember.

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Let's Talk About Series

This series, designed for elementary-aged children, presents information on legal and illegal drugs in an easy to understand way. It delves into the impact of the use and abuse of these substances on the human body, individuals, and society.
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New Look at Aging: Attitude is Everything - Video

Keeping a healthy outlook on life is critical as we age. By using current research and personal stories, this program will focus on the importance of family, friends and the support systems we need as we age. At this stage of our lives and our parents' lives, a sense of loss is normal. Friends and family die, and on top of the emotional turmoil, other monumental changes can occur. Dramatic changes in health, housing and income can also have significant impacts on our mental well-being. How do we cope with these losses and how do we support loved ones going through challenging times?
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New Look at Aging: Club Sandwich Generation - Video

See the effects of aging on family members. Takes an in-depth look at family dynamics and aging. How do siblings make difficult decisions about and for their aging parents? Often one sibling takes on more responsibilities, which leads to other problems and concerns among the siblings and other family members. Current research on aging families and support systems will be explored as well as personal stories.
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New Look at Aging: Journey to 100 - Video

Everyone has heard Canada's population is changing. What does this mean in our day-to-day lives and what does it mean for our futures? How do we respond to social issues like finances, health care, careers, retirement and housing? As well, as the population ages, new business opportunities are becoming apparent. In addition, there will be more career opportunities for people working in the field of gerontology.
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New Look at Aging: LIving Every Day - Video

People understand more and more the importance of maintaining their health. A look at the components that contribute to healthy living, utilizing Health Canada's Key Determinants of Health--income and social status, social support networks, education and literacy, social environments, physical environments, etc. Profiles people living active healthy retirements and inspiring us, regardless of our age, to really live the lives we desire.
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New Look at Aging: Myths of Aging - Video

We all have ideas of what aging means. Most people think of aging as a negative thing in which we lose our memory, our sight and our hearing. Most of the time aging means we can't get around, we can't sleep and sex isn't even a possibility. Many of these common ideas are myths and there are many things we can do to avoid and reduce these common myths of aging.
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Cerebral Palsy - What Teachers Need To Know (DVD)

Walking is easy – it rarely requires much thought to get from one place to another. Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of disorders whose major feature is brain damage. Susan Rodde who has CP makes an on-camera appearance and discusses how she copes with the disabiliity.

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Caring for Aging Parents - The Growing Challenge of Caring for a Loved One: Parenting your Parents - Dealing with Alzheimers - Facing Death

Parenting Your Parents: Having to care for a dependent parent, usually in their later years, is a situation many adults face at some point - often when they're raising their own children.
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Raising Young Children with Mental Health Disorders

This video program seeks to identify the difference between childhood challenges and behavior rooted in mental illness. Families share their stories, while mental-health experts discuss treatment and coping strategies.
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